After airing our interview with Lydia and David Sherrer, we had one of our listeners reach out to us asking how to become an illustrator in the games industry.   I reached out to the tabletop communities that I’m still a part of, and here’s the answers that I got.


  1. Have an online portfolio – Opinions were mixed where it should be, but it wouldn’t hurt if it was in multiple locations, Deviant Art was one suggestion.
  2. Have a price sheet – Publishers want to know up front what your fees are.
  3. Be active on Social Media – One of our respondents  mentioned that they found most of their artists from following them on Twitter (X).  
  4. Approach the publisher you’re interested in working with directly.  Several publishers have dedicated contact pages/forms specifically for artists to submit their portfolios for review.
  5. Establish a reputation as respectful and professional.  The tabletop publishing industry is small, and word gets around.  To wit…
  6. Communicate.  Keep your clients up to date on where a  project is at. 
  7. If you sell at conventions, potential publishers may approach you there. 
  8. See if the publisher has a Discord server, and if so join it.  
  9. Join any of the several Facebook groups for tabletop games publishers and freelancers.
  10. Finally, an edge case.  If you publish stock art through Drive Through RPG, you can join the DTRPG Publisher’s Discord.  Publishers often look for writers and artists within this community.

I hope our readers find these tips helpful, and I  personally want to thank the members of the Creative Indie RPGs and The RPG Brain Trust Facebook communities for their suggestions for this list.   — Spaceman

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